Foreword- From the December 21st 2010 issue of Asahi Shimbun Weekly AERA. Unlike many interviews with One Piece author Eiichiro Oda that are presented verbatim, this was handled as an article describing One Piece and exploring Odafs thoughts on approaching his job. Without conversation there are times when the author presents statements or generalizations about comics that may or may not have been stated by Oda. I have attempted to leave any ambiguity untouched so as not to put words in the authorfs mouth and in turn have attempted to indicate where Oda is being paraphrased. My clarifications are in brackets and any parenthesis are from the article itself. Translation and general notes have been marked with asterisks. As always, please enjoy!



One Piece Author Interview

Vicky* the Pirate,

The Origin of an Adventure Comic


He laughs and eats for his own fun. He rages and fights for his friends. When the battle is over he laughs and eats some more. [A series] written honestly about ecouragef, the author speaks with us about his mammoth** comic.


*Although several spellings exist, Vicky was used for the English adaptation.

**Literally emonsterf.




DO~N!, the sound of two million eight hundred fifty thousand copies. All of them the 56th Volume of the comic eOne Piecef which hit stores on December 4th. A new record for the highest initial (release) printing of a comic book.


Twelve years since its release in 1997 on the pages of eWeekly Shonen JUMPf, having surpassed even the likes of eDragon Ballf with total printings over 176 million, it stands beside eKochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kouen-mae Hasutsujof as the longest comic currently being published in [Weekly] JUMP. gStory-wise Ifm about halfway.h, the author Eiichiro Oda-san tells us.


eHighlighting each member of the gangf


Itfs the tale of a flourishing age of pirates set in a fantastic world. He wears a straw hat and ragged shorts. Perhaps less a pirate than he is a eTom Sawyerf*, the young hero is Luffy. Leader of the Straw Hat Gang, their sights on eThe One Great Hidden Treasuref (One Piece) they lead adventures on the eThe Great Coursef (Grand Line).

*Actual term is egakidaishouf. Literally eGeneral (ground forces) Brat.f


Moving through each volume the ever-growing circle of friends is now at nine members. Not only Luffy, each one of the gang has his or her own unique story or moment in the spotlight. The story is bound to grow longer but the hearts of fans donft wander. If youfre wondering why itfs because at any given time One Piece is on efiref. From SMAPfs Takuya Kimura to [Olympic] gold medal swimmer Kousuke Kitajima and even a former Morning Musume. Mari Yaguchic Without regard to gender, famous individuals stating their fandom are plentiful. A enationally renowned comicf that can be enjoyed by children and adults, thatfs One Piece. Someone who would raise an objection to that is none other than the author Oda-san himself. He says that One Piece is for boys. Since the serialization began hefs been drawing with that in mind. gHaving so many different readers is beyond anything I imagined.h


When readers grow up it means they will turn to young adult comics or novels. And yet such a broad age group reading One Piece must mean, gMen and women young and old carry the spirit of a boy. I think it makes them feel nostalgic.h


But why pirates? gI wanted to draw an adventure comic. And drawing adventure can only mean pirates. In my mind the two are directly connected.h He says the pirate cartoon eVicky the Vikingf was the start of his interest in pirates.


eLuffy is a estrong-willed boy*f f


Pirates = evil; not exactly [a leading role] suited for a [typical] boysf comic. Such a thought never entered his [Odafs] head. As the, gcprime example of a boy**ch, Luffy blows away the dark sides of a piratefs trade such as pillaging or violence with a *DO~N* (an onomatopoeia used extensively in the series). Hefs simply self-indulgent with a ravenous appetite and does what he wants when he wants. gThere are lots of things children want to do but canft, I think they feel better when they see Luffy.h (Oda-san)

*strong-willed- In Japanese Oda describes him as enikushokukei danshif literally translated ecarnivorous type boyf which means eaggressive boyf, however the adjective eaggressivef tends to have negative connotations in English so I chose estrong-willedf.

**Literally echildf but given his tendency to infer to the male nature of the comic and character, probably closer to eboyf.


He might be a boy but as the leader of a pirate crew, Luffy stands up for his friends by facing off against enemies when the odds are clearly stacked against him. Hefs said more than a few times, gI canft do anything without my crew.h* gThat kind of masculine courage is something strong-willed women and even men are attracted to. Luffy is something you rarely see these days, a strong-willed boy.h (Oda-san)

*Ifm not sure if hefs said this as many times as the author of the article implies.


For the One Piece movie eStrong Worldf released this month, it was a first [for Oda-san] to be in charge of the story. Going to rescue a crew member taken from them, the scene where Luffy and gang enter the enemyfs palace used the film eJirocho of Shimizuf* for the motif. gI wanted to bring that world of heroic chivalry into modern day.h That courageous spirit is the key to stirring up childrenfs hearts. In order to succeed in drawing [those kinds of images] he limits himself.

*Full title: The Life and Times of Jirocho of Shimizu. The film includes a performance by Torazo Hirosawa, a rokyoku performer whom Oda has mentioned several times. Once in the authorfs comment corner or JUMP (12/24/2007) and in his podcast interview with Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli.


One of those limits, avoiding a love story. Simply because they [boys] arenft interested in it. gThere are a lot of female fans too and I get requests for romantic scenes but I wonft respond to that call.h


eThis is my last long-termf


Another [example of limiting himself], he tries to avoid drawing scenes of death or killing. He also refrains from depicting brutality. gEven if I draw a sword cutting someone, I try not to draw scenes where the blade is in a gaping wound.h


Thatfs why he gave Luffy the ability to stretch or contract his body at will (in exchange for that he canft swim). The battle scenes where he uses his elasticity for special attacks to fire a barrage of punches like eGomu Gomu Gatlingf or to repel enemy attacks by blowing up his body, those are what Oda-san considers ideal compositions. gIf you compare him to an action star hefs not Bruce Lee, hefs Jackie Chan. Whatever cool reason there is for his clashing with an enemy, itfs much more interesting if hefs [normally] a dimwit.h


After the battle is over therefs sure to be a celebration with his crew or the local islanders. Itfs a scene Oda-san wants [loves] to draw. gIf a close friend or enemy died I probably couldnft draw a fun party scene.h His favorite crewmate is the timid liar and sniper, Usopp. gHefs got the lovability of a klutz, but if I donft think about how to use him [well] he drops in popularity really fast.h


[Oda-san] has had the ending of the story drawn in his mind since the serialization began so [One Piece] doesnft have the problems that plague many long-term series like unwinding or growing muddled. Luffyfs grandfather, father and even his big brother have all appeared onstage and the story is progressing towards the ending Oda-san has imagined.


He works on the story for three days and draws for three days. There are no days off for him. He has already decided not to draw any other long-term works beyond One Piece. gI donft think itfs possible for me to make another long-term serialization, my body couldnft physically handle it.h, thatfs why hefs pitching this one with all of his strength. Itfs that strength that has captured the echildlike spiritf in hearts all over Japan, no, hearts all over the world.


But even for Oda-san, therefs one heart he just canft seem to capture. His daughterfs. gShe likes ePretty Curef (a cartoon popular with elementary school girls) better than my comic.h