
Marksman/Handyman/Replacement Captain: Usopp

Age: 17
Birthday: April 1st
Height: 174cm / 5’8 1/2”
Sign: Aries
Hometown: East Blue - ? Island: Syrup Village
Commonly Associated Number: 04
Commonly Associated Color: Yellow
According to Chopper Smells Like: Gunpowder
Favorite Type of Island: Summer on an Autumn Island.
Favorite Foods: Pike from an Autumn Island. Other fish in season.

History of Usopp

There once was a man who lived in Syrup Village. This man was well known for his marksmanship and there was no target he couldn’t hit. One day, this man felt the pirate flag calling him and even though he had a wife, Baquina, and a young son, he left his life behind him and went out to sea in order to become a pirate. The man’s name was Yasopp and his son, a boy almost too young to remember his father, was named Usopp.

Time went by and eventually Usopp’s mother became gravely ill. Usopp was deeply hurt by his mother’s suffering and wanted to do anything he could to help her regain her strength. As she lay on her death bed, Usopp ran through the village screaming that pirates were coming. Finally he burst into his mother’s room and excitedly announced that his father had returned to see her and take them with him. His mother knew that he was lying, but she told him how proud she was of her husband, as well as of her son. Usopp told her of great herbs that were across the ocean that could cure any illness but still she told him not to dream. In his grief, Usopp continued to go on about pirates, wishing that his father would return to see him. Usopp became known for telling lies, but his lies are all dreams that he wishes to fulfill.

When Usopp grew older, he told stories about pirates, monsters and fantastic adventures to three youngsters of the village, Piiman, Ninjin and Tamanegi. Usopp was a master with a slingshot and after showing them his amazing abilities they called him their captain. At age 12, Usopp became Captain Usopp of the Usopp Pirate Crew with his three loyal (and might I mention 4-year old) crew members.

Each day they would go on new adventures and almost daily, Usopp would bolt through the village at 7 AM screaming the arrival of a crew of pirates from the sea, much to the dismay of the villagers in what was otherwise a quiet hamlet. Their adventures continued as normal until around the time when Usopp turned 16. A young girl from a wealthy family tragically lost both of her parents to illness. The girl, Kaya, then became quite ill and sickly herself. Usopp would go visit her at her mansion each day to tell her tall tales and funny stories about adventures he had supposedly been on to cheer her up. This continued for a year until the day a ship flying the flag of Buggy The Clown docked near the village and changed Usopp’s life forever.

Notes on Usopp


Usopp believes in following dreams and making them a reality, whether he knows it or not, that is exactly what he is doing along the way as a member of Luffy’s crew.

When he saw the giants Dorey and Brogey duel on Little Garden, Usopp was inspired by their resolve and realized that to be able to fight like them, so-called 'Valiant Warriors of the Sea with pride as their treasure' is exactly the way he wants to be. Usopp wants to see their homeland, the land of giants, Elbaf.

Usopp serves as something of an older brother to Chopper. Chopper who is still ignorant to much of the world (but becomes more and more experienced every day) learns a good deal from Usopp. Of course much of it is jaded truthes or blatant lies.


Usopp’s goal is to become a great pirate captain with a crew of 80 million to make his father proud. Usopp’s shining quality is his pride in his father.

As you may have guessed, Usopp is the greatest liar in the series and also runs away the fastest.

As one of the most dexterous member of the crew, Usopp creates and upgrades weapons for some crew members, like the Clima Tact and Perfect Clima Tact for Nami, he is also capable of making passable repairs on the ship. It would seem, far into the series, when the Going Merry was reduced to little more than a few boards stuck together by a handful of nails, Usopp did nothing but serve as a shipwright. Unfortunately for Merry, Usopp is not a professional shipwright even though he did a fine job with his limited experience.

According to Oda, the animal Usopp most resembles is an armadillo.

Usopp appears to be the 5th tallest human crew member as of Vol. 48.

Trivia, Puns & Observations

Usopp’s name is a pun on the Japanese word ‘uso’ meaning a lie. This is suitable for him since he is known for his tricks and lies. You also might find his nose quite odd, but it is likely a reference to Pinocchio and the lies he would tell that caused his nose to grow. One might also consider it a reference to Japanese demons known as Tengu that could play cruel or mischievous tricks on humans. A Tengu leader was known for its prolonged snout.

Usopp’s birthday is April 1st, which is April Fool’s day.

A character appears far into the story that has a long nose similar to Usopp's that, to some, might appear to be longer but rest assured Usopp fans, the round tip of Usopp's nose gives him an edge over the competition.

Usopp increases his sight with special goggles. He purchased an upgraded pair in Logue Town, but the actual scene of him purchasing them was cut out in the comic only to be mentioned later by Oda in an SBS.

The Top 5 Most Gullible Characters

(In Usopp’s Opinion)

1. Chopper- Growing up as a reindeer, there is very little Chopper knows about the world. He believes most of what he hears whether it is reasonable or not.

2. Luffy- This nimitz draws conclusions by only half-listening to people’s stories. Most of his gullibility is do to his own hyper-active imagination.

3. Sir Crocodile- Sanji pulled one over on Croc when he impersonated Mr. 3 and then switched roles with Chopper as the elusive Mr. Prince. Croc truly screwed himself over big time.

4. Kaya- Usopp often told Kaya tall tales about the world to cheer her up. Sometimes she genuinely seemed to believe him, while sometimes she just laughed at them.

5. Jango- This fellow’s head always seems to be elsewhere. Perhaps he hit it too hard after hypnotizing himself one too many times. Jango earnestly believed that Usopp had a force of eighty million pirates behind him.

Usopp is great friends with a mysterious and courageous hero known by the name Sogeking. The origin of their relationship and the identity of the hero remains shrouded in mystery. But if you listen to Sogeking's words carefully, it's not hard to find him. You just have to look in your heart.

Among the crew members, Usopp ties Chopper for 5th Place in the 2005 'Your Favorite Techniques' vote. He had 1 spot in the Top 30. Outside of the crew he tied the likes of Ace, Foxy, CP9 & Reject Dial users whom each had 1 a piece.

Usopp 'officially' joined the crew in Chapter 439 - 'The Third and Seventh'

Strengths and Weaknesses

Usopp often relies on his ability to lie during a confrontation to win. Sometimes he calls out the name of an attack before he does it, for instance, what he’s going to shoot from his slingshot. After a while his enemies adjust to this pattern and Usopp will call out his attack, only to do something completely different to catch them off guard. This works surprisingly well. Sometimes, if his opponent is truly gullible, like Jango, his far-fetched lies work well too.

In addition to lying, Usopp also utilizes trickery and deception to delay his opponents. His supposedly 5-ton “Usopp Hammer Special Edition” is an example of such mischievous maneuvers. What Usopp lacks in strength, he makes up for by using his surroundings and gadgets to his advantage.

Usopp has dead-aim with projectile devices. A simple slingshot combined with his ingenuity and marksmanship becomes a deadly weapon. With a cannon Usopp can hit any target perfectly even if he doesn't have confidence in himself. He is as good as he brags.

Usopp’s downfall is…to be honest it is hard to find a weakness for Usopp, if anything it's the unfortunate reality that he is not physically powerful. His pride in his heritage does not allow him to back down from a fight when it really matters, otherwise he isn’t willing to let innocent people suffer and his unbreakable spirit allows him to triumph over his opponents.

Usopp knows when to admit he's wrong. If you haven't read through Volume 46 this may not seem like a big deal but believe me Reader, it's a BIG deal. Owning up to one's faults and mistakes in life takes some serious cahones. This is one of Usopp's greatest strengths and manliest qualities.

Usopp Spoilers

Click this link and highlight the text to see Usopp Spoilers. These are technically clever observations, but they could also be considered spoilers...one of them in particular. Either way, if you've read beyond the Baroque Works story arc (more like a super-structure) then you may want to read this to see if you picked up on them.

Usopp’s Fantastic Techniques

Name of Attack Translation Foes Used Against Location in MangaDescription
Makibishi Jigoku
Caltrop Hell
Black Cat Pirates, Luffy
Vol.4 pg57. Vol.35 pg100.
Usopp covers the ground in caltrops.
Namari Boshi
Lead Star
Kuro Neko Pirates, Nyaaban Brothers, Jango, Chuu, Mr. 5, Ener, Giant Jack, Franky
Vol.4 pg60,pg122, pg188. Vol.10 pg123. Vol. 14 pg139. Vol.30 pg164. Vol.32 pg19. Vol.35 pg39.
Usopp shoots a pachinko ball from his slingshot.
Kayaku Boshi
Gunpowder Star
Jango, Arlong, Mr. 5, Ener, Giant Jack, Absalom
Vol.5 pg88. Vol.9 pg15. Vol.14 pg62, pg118. Vol.30 pg164. Vol.32 pg19. Vol.46 pg123.
Usopp fires exploding gunpowder at his target. According to Mr. 5, it isn’t very good gunpowder.
Tamago Boshi
Egg Star
Arlong Gang, Arlong, Luffy
Vol.9 pg21, pg146. Vol.35 pg99.
Usopp shoots a rotten egg at his target.
Kemuri Boshi
Smoke Star
Arlong Gang, Mr. 4, King Nefertari’s Guards
Vol.9 pg57. Vol.20 pg200. Vol.22 pg161.
Usopp shoots a blinding smoke-screen at his target. Useful for confusing victims or making a handy escape.
Kaen Boshi
Blaze Star
Chuu, Luffy, Candle Set, Mr. 1, Capote, Luffy, Soldier Zombies
Vol.10 pg39, pg120, pg127. Vol.14 pg143, pg158. Vol.20 pg97. Vol.33 pg36. Vol.35 pg103. Vol.46 pg102.
Usopp fires a flaming shot at his target. Extremely effective against undead opponents.
Kecchapu Boshi
Ketchup Star
Chuu, Nami, Luffy
Vol.10 pg115. Vol.24 pg191. Vol.35 pg98.
Usopp uses a ketchup filled shot on himself to make it appear as if he has been mortally wounded.
Usoppu Hanma~
Usopp Hammer
Vol.10 pg122, pg131.
Usopp smashes his opponent with a work hammer. He has an overhead and underhand swinging technique.
Usoppu Wagomu
Usopp Rubber band
Chuu, Arlong, Hacchan(?), Miss. Merry Christmas, Giant Jack
Vol.10 pg122, pg131, pg152. Vol.20 pg169. Vol.32 pg19.
Usopp fires a rubber band at his opponent. Works best if he announces the attack and run away when his enemy flinches. In 2005, this was selected as the 12th most popular attack in the first One Piece 'Your Favorite Techniques' vote with 365 votes.
Shinsen Tamago Boshi
Fresh Egg Star
Vol.12 pg16.
Usopp fires fresh eggs at his opponent. If he didn’t have to use this attack, Usopp would probably let the eggs turn bad and use them for Tamago Boshi.
Tokusei Tabasuko Boshi
Deluxe Tabasco Star
Mr. 5, Luffy
Vol.14 pg173. Vol.35 pg99.
Usopp fires a potent shot of Tabasco sauce at his target. Works surprisingly well given the right circumstances.
Usoppu Paundo
Usopp Pound
Mr. 4, Miss. Merry Christmas
Vol.20 pg164, pg169
Usopp uses his ‘Usopp Hammer Special Edition’ to pound his enemies into the ground. The hammer supposedly weighs 5 tons.
Akahebi Boshi
Red Snake Star
Not offensive
Vol.22 pg162.
Usopp fires a glowing red shot into the sky like a signal flare.
Usoppu Noizu
Usopp Noise
Baroque Works stragglers
Vol.22 pg171.
Usopp pulls out a small chalkboard and scratches his nails on it to turn away enemies.
Usoppu Aa~AaAa~~~
Usopp Ah~AhAh~~~
The Little Crow (Karasu-Maru), Maxim
Vol.27 pg21, pg91. During Vol.30
Usopp fires a grappling hook from his belt to swing towards a target. If you couldn’t tell, the name of this is Tarzan’s scream.
Usoppu Superu
Usopp Spell
Ener, Luffy
Vol.30 pg174. Vol.35 pg97.
Usopp mentions an awful phrase that usually involving some sort of masochistic activity that is sure to make the victim cringe in pain at the thought of it if they don't close their ears.
Usoppu Hoppingu
Usopp Hopping
Vol.30 pg185.
Usopp can jump from great heights and land safely with special spring shoes he created. Of course he must land on his feet for it to work, which he tends not to do.
Usoppu Kayaku Boshi Boshi
Usopp Gunpowder Star Star
Giant Jack
Vol.32 pg19.
How is this any different from Kayaku Boshi? We may never know.
Usoppu Roringu Kayaku Boshi
Usopp Rolling Gunpowder Star
Giant Jack
Vol.32 pg19.
Usopp rolls evasively while firing a Gunpowder Star. He has done three of these in a row.
Toon Daiaru
Tone Dial
Vol.32 pg13.
Usopp uses a sound-storing Dial to play a joke on Zoro.
Buresu Daiaru
Breath Dial
Barrel Tiger, Luffy
Vol.33 pg38. Vol.35 pg102.
Usopp uses a Breath Dial, a shell which releases a gas stored within it. This appears to be useless at first but when combined with Gunpowder Star or other tools...
Inpakuto Daiaru
Impact Dial
Barrel Tiger, Hippo Gentleman
Vol.33 pg41, pg55. Vol.35. pg114. Vol.48 pg133.
Usopp uses an Impact Dial, a shell which may absorb and/or release any force it is hit with. This Dial may be used in a variety of creative ways that Usopp both willingly and unwillingly explores.
Furasshu Daiaru
Flash Dial
Vol.35 pg98.
Usopp uses a Flash Dial, a shell which releases a burst of light energy stored within it. An excellent choice for temporarily blinding/stunning an opponent.
Shuriken Ryuuseigun
Shuriken Meteor Shower
Vol.35 pg101.
Usopp fires a strand of shurikens from his slingshot that once airborn break off and cover a wide range in contrast to his 'Star' series.
Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi
Exploding Cactus Star
Vol.35 pg110.
A single large exploding shot fired from his slingshot. Upon impact the shot bursts into a shower of piercing shrapnel.
Sanren Kayaku Boshi
Three-Strand Gunpowder Star
Vol.35 pg111.
Usopp loads three normal Gunpowder Stars into his slingshot and fires them off at once for increased area damage.
Zombi~ Shouten Soruto Booru
Zombie Purifying Salt Balls
Vol.48 pg11.
Bags containing salt balls developed by Usopp for 'purifying' undead enemies distributed to each member of the crew.
Kaen Dama
Flame Ball
Vol.48 pg104.
Usopp hurls an incendiary ball at an opponent or the ground to stun them or block their progress. Extremely effective against undead opponents.
Kokkara koko made hairuna no jutsu
You Shall Not Pass Technique
Vol.48 pg104.
Usopp pours oil on the fire from Flame Ball to create an impassable flame barrier.
Usoppu Go~ruden Paundo
Usopp Golden Pound
Vol.48 pg140.
The successor to Usopp Pound, this attack sees Usopp effortlessly wielding a 10-ton hammer which he brings down on his opponent resulting in a deafening explosion. The 'hammer' is actually a large balloon which pops upon impact. As with Usopp Pound, the idea is for his opponent to be shocked and, if possible, faint at the prospect of such a devastating attack.

Usopp’s Kabuto Techniques

Somewhere during the events of Enies Lobby, Usopp inherits the legendary weapon of the hero Sogeking, the giant slingshot Kabuto. He was first seen using the weapon during the escape from Enies Lobby arc but certain crew members did not take note of his possession of the weapon until later. The five rubber straps arranged in a semi-circle at the head of the device give Usopp's bursts of fire extra energy potential resulting in increased stability as well as the range of a rifle. Furthermore, the weapon makes use of the Dials from Skypiea. By activating a Dial placed in the shot bag at the moment of firing, he can enhance his shots. The Breath Dial allows him to manipulate the pattern his shots fly in while Flame, Flash and even Impact Dials may be switched in at will for a variety of different effects. All of this combined with his scoping goggles will allow Usopp to take down villains without them even knowing what hit them.

Name of Attack Translation Foes Used Against Location in MangaDescription
Chou Kemuri Boshi
Super Smoke Star
Buster Call
Vol.44 pg201.
A shot fired from Kabuto that creates a smoke screen large enough to envelop an entire ship.
Rokuren Mamushi Boshi
Six-Strand Viper Star
Absalom, Perona
Vol.47 pg162. Vol.48 pg115.
Usopp fires a weak explosive six-strand shot from Kabuto in a wave that resembles a slithering viper. If successful in hitting an opponent it will result in six successive explosions.
Soruto Suta~
Salt Star
Wild Zombies, Odr
Vol.48 pg40 & pg223.
Usopp fires a salt-loaded shot. May be fired as a spray shot. The kanji reads 'shio boshi' or salt star.
Ageha Ryusei
Sallowtail Meteor
Vol.48 pg110.
A highly explosive rising shot. Named after the flight of a swallowtail butterfly
Kamakiri Ryusei
Mantis Meteor
Vol.48 pg111.
A highly explosive shot that rises and seems to miss a target only to bear down on top of it. Named after the nature in which a praying mantis strikes prey.
Hi no Tori Boshi
Firebird Star
Perona, Odr
Vol.48 pg118, pg220.
Using a Flame Dial in Kabuto, Usopp unleashes a large fiery shot which resembles a firebird.
Atorasu Suisei
Atlas Comet
Vol.48 pg125.
A single four-shot attack where Usopp fires explosive pellets from Kabuto in a pattern that resemble the four points of an atlas beetle's horns.
Daibakuhatsu Boshi
Explosion Star
Vol.48 pg130.
Usopp fires what is supposedly a highly explosive shot at his enemy but tends to miss. This attack may not be exactly what Usopp says it is.
Torimochi Boshi
Torimochi Star
Vol.48 pg133.
An attack where Usopp fires a highly adhesive gel at an opponent to temporarily hold them exactly where he wants them. Torimochi is the Japanese term for birdlime, an adhesive substance used for trapping birds on branches before being made illegal. It is now used as an adhesive in products like flypaper.
Kurobikari Boshi
Black Gloss Star
Vol.48 pg137.
Usopp fires a large shot containing rubber cockroaches that cover a target upon impact. In the heat of battle they may easily be mistaken for the real thing. This attack is also known as Gokiburi Boshi or Cockroach Star but Usopp does not use this term to retain the shock of the attack.

    Officially Listed Battles Fought

  1. Usopp VS Arlong’s Gang [Chapter 72]
  2. Usopp VS Nami [Chapter 74]
  3. Usopp VS Chuu [Chapters 83-88]
  4. Usopp & Vivi VS Mr. 5 & Miss. Valentine [Chapter 120]
  5. Usopp, Kaloo & Luffy VS Mr. 3, Miss. Goldenweek, Mr. 5 & Miss. Valentine [Chapters 122-126]
  6. Usopp VS Kung Fu Dugong [Chapter 161]
  7. Usopp & Chopper VS Mr. 4 & Miss Merry Christmas [Chapters 183-186]
  8. Usopp, Chopper, Nami, Sanji, Vivi & Zoro VS Mr. 7 & Miss. Father’s Day [Chapters 205-207]

Yet to be Listed Conflicts

The last published One Piece guide that contained specific conflict listings (Grand Data File Blue) covered events through Volume 24. The following are my opinion of battles that occurred post Volume 24. As soon as an accurate official list is published, I will alter this data to reflect what is acceptable. The criteria for determining what I use to define a conflict has been linked to in this space on the Luffy Profile page.
  • Usopp, Luffy & Sanji VS Satori [Chapter 246-247, 250]
  • Usopp VS Ener [Chapter 260]
  • Usopp & Nami VS Ener [Chapters 283 & 284]
  • Usopp, Nami & Robin VS Porche, Capote & Monda [Chapters 306-309]
  • Usopp, Nami & Robin VS Foxy's Crew [Chapters 307]
  • Usopp & Robin VS Capote [Chapter 307]
  • Usopp, Nami & Robin VS Foxy [Chapter 308]
  • Usopp, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji & Robin VS Ao Kiji [Chapter 320]
  • Usopp, Luffy, Nami & Iceburg VS Calipha [Chapter 326]
  • Usopp VS Franky Family [Chapters 327 & 329]
  • Usopp VS Franky [Chapter 329 & 350-351]
  • Usopp VS Luffy [Chapters 331-333]
  • Usopp VS Kaku [Chapter 359]
  • Usopp, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, Robin, & Franky VS Marine HQ Captains [Chapters 427-428]
  • Crew & Franky VS Buster Call [Chapters 428 & 429]
  • Crew VS Garp [Chapters 438 & 439]
  • Usopp, Nami & Chopper VS Soldier Zombies (105 & 426) [Chapter 445]
  • Usopp VS Cindry [Chapter 446]
  • Usopp, Nami & Chopper VS Surprise Zombies (298) [Chapters 447 & 448]
  • Usopp, Nami & Chopper VS Surprise Zombie 256 [Chapters 448]
  • Usopp, Nami & Chopper VS Ryuma [Chapters 449 & 450]
  • Usopp & Chopper VS Wild Zombies [Chapter 451 & 453]
  • Usopp & Chopper VS Lola [Chapters 453 & 454]
  • Usopp & Chopper VS Absalom [Chapter 457]
  • Usopp & Chopper VS Soldier Zombies [Chapter 457]
  • Usopp, Luffy, Sanji, Chopper & Robin VS Soldier Zombies & Perona[Chapter 460]
  • Usopp, Zoro, Sanji & Franky VS Perona & Wild Zombies [Chapter 461]
  • Usopp VS Perona [Chapters 461-462 & 464-466]
  • Usopp VS Perona & Kumacy [Chapters 465 & 466]
  • Usopp VS Gentleman Hippo [Chapter 466]
  • Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky & Brook VS Odz [Chapter 469 & 470]

Unlisted Conflicts

The requisites for some battles are questionable. It appears that if only one punch (or kick or whatever) is thrown, then it does not count as a battle (except in the very first bout listed). There are also different types of conflicts, (meaning other than throwing punches or kicks), which are not listed. These are my opinion and were not officially listed.
  • Usopp VS Clahadour [Chapter 24]
  • Usopp VS Captain Jango’s Crew [Chapter 29]
  • Usopp VS Captain Kuro [Chapters 34-35]
  • Usopp VS Jango [Chapter 36-39]
  • Usopp VS Arlong [Chapters 72 & 88-89]
  • Usopp VS Chuu [Chapter 73]
  • Usopp VS Hacchan [Chapter 89]
  • Usopp VS Mr. 2 [Chapter 181]
  • Crew VS Shoujou [Chapter 226]

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