Just What's Gonna Happen!?

"Kuririn is dead!", someone shouted through the hall on a summer day I could not forget at the lodge where we stayed during our training excursion for school club activities. In that week's JUMP, a huge development had come to light. For all of us, whatever kind of REAL news there was, this was the big story. Because we all identified with JUMP, we fell into it, each week we ate up the savory words. "I wonder what'll happen next week." Oh man what's gonna happen. Yes indeed, what would happen?

There's a saying, "Only God knows what's next", but in this case, terrifyingly enough, there is an Author God, Akira Toriyama, of whom it is evidently said, has a personality that is akin to "What's gonna happen?" AHA! So there's also a degree of haphazard in there.

However, whatever weight that rumor may hold, a man named Akira Toriyama, no, Goku, without fail, never betrayed our expectations. From the entire country, every week young boys would raise their voices over the acts and techniques of Son Goku. Goku would head into the unknown and say "What's this place?", and we wondered along with him; Goku would get angry and say "I will never forgive that guy!", and so we roared out as well. The distinct Japanese culture known as weekly serialization was born and it was of boy's manga.

Dragon Ball is a masterpiece.

Eiichiro Oda
Born January 1st 1975 in Kuamoto City, Kumamoto Pref. Debut piece, "WANTED!"/ 1997, Begins serialization of "One Piece" in Volume 34 of Shonen JUMP, the story is presently continuing.